Sunday 15 December 2013

Celine Selfridges

The main purpose for my trip to London was to conduct market and retail research on my groups chosen brand 'Celine', pre arrival in the city we discussed where we could find concessions of the brand as the flagship store was closed down by Phoebe Philo in 2004. Me and my partner Sam looked around Celine Selfridges. The Celine concession was located on the 2nd floor in the women's wear designer gallery situated near other well known high end luxury brands such as Alexander Mc Queen, Balenciaga and Dries Von Noten. 

Whilst looking around the concession we took notes of positioning and also conducted 2 separate questionnaires in order to learn more about the brand from different people, its workers and its consumers. 

Staff Questionnaire

What do you think the brand stands for?
. We know the brand has made it from how its been copied by other brands such as the Zara Studio collection

3 words you associate with Celine
. organic, pure, high quality

What does the brand promise it's consumers?
. luxury and quality

What type of person do you think it targets? Age range?
. business not afraid of wearing a mens cut

Is there a specific colour palette? 
. black, beige, grey, changes with seasons

Consumer Questionnaire

How does Celine appeal to you?
. cut of the clothes, the silhouette, the clean beautiful fabric

Where would you wear Celine?
. All the time, classic

Target age range?
. 40+

3 words you associate with Celine? 
. classic, cool, grown up

What do you think the brand stands for?
. elegant grown up, well cut, edgy

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