Monday 11 November 2013

Brand Essence

The essence of a brand is shown through 4 separate sections attributes (what the brand stands for), promise (what the brand offers the customer), personality (who would the brand be) and the source of authority (what makes the brand credible). Within a recent seminar, after thoroughly discussing brand persuasion and what makes a brand, we created brand essence models. Firstly for the brand that we had currently been working on for module 1.

Tom Ford aims to make women feel confident and sexy, it promises this within it's clothes and personality. It derives it's sources of authority from 50's glamour and ambassadors such as Tom himself and Julianne Moore.

We then evaluated in pairs our day in the life of. Whilst doing this I picked a brand that I encountered to make a brand essence board, firstly without posting the name of the brand, for my partner to guess who it is, I created one on herbal essences which was correctly guessed. 

Herbal Essences is a luxury hair brand sold on the high street, it has many different attributes and personality traits as there is a wide range of flavoured shampoos and conditioners for different types of hair. It promises to do many things for all types of hair e.g undamage and smooth damaged hair. Its sources of authority come across in it's campaigns with the use of attractive models with amazing hair. 

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