Wednesday 6 November 2013

'Your Favourite/Regular Outfit'

Now I'm no stranger to a favourite pair of pants but trying to pin point a complete favourite outfit for a seminar was almost impossible. Instead of pulling out all my drawers I took a rational approach and decided on my favourite pieces that own in my small box room here at university. I would describe my style as eclectic, I love a wide range and variety of different things which spills over into my clothes. One day i'll be wearing vans and a baggy jumper then the next, Dr Martens and a sheepskin coat. I personally wouldn't put myself into a subculture but i'm pretty sure that if I asked around then I would easily be placed into one. I do attempt to follow trends but end up getting bored and trying my own twist on them.


a whole lot of baggy jumpers!

the only shoes I really knock around in (comfort)

vintage levis, leggings and disco pants (essential) 

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