Tuesday 14 January 2014

Celine- Final Presentation

This is our final Celine presentation. As a group we compiled all the information and also each had sections in which we had to present on our own. The presentation itself was 10 minutes long, previously timing ourselves we kept within the time limit. We mirrored the layout in each slide and kept true to the clean cut Celine look. 

 My contribution the team was the brands position within the market. Celine is a high end expensive luxury brand, positioned high in the market it has a network revenue of €172.2 million a year. Phoebe Philo for vogue in 2005 stated that "Everything we're doing is about going forward" meaning that the brand is always evolving to suit new trends and its consumer but always stays true to it's classic luxury style. I created a design equation depicting how Celine is an elegant, sophisticated, luxurious, classic brand. It specialises in high quality luxe sportswear and offers its consumers a feminine identity with an androgynous look. Its competitors include other high end luxury brands such as Bottega Venetta, Balenciaga, Michael Kors, Louis Vuitton and Chloe, and even copycat brands such as high street brand Zara. 

My other contribution was the making of the Invitation on photoshop, We looked at creating a specialist invitation in the form of a flight boarding pass mirroring the luggage theme. The invitation itself won't depict a lot of information just a date and note of secret location, this make the release more exclusive. We ill also make envelopes in the style of the classic diamond bag keeping part of its brand identity. 

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