Friday 31 January 2014

FCP take New York

New York City is the epicentre for everything cool and hip. In a recent university trip over to the states we were asked to investigate the full cultural and retail experiences of New York, considering its reputation for having been the location for so many inspirational moments in fashion, film, music, art, architecture and street culture. We researched retail environments in various parts of the city and a variation of museum exhibitions.

The trip began early January 6th leaving Nottingham at 5 in the morning we traveled to London then caught  flight for 8 hours across the pond arriving in New York at half 6 in the evening. We stayed in the Walcott hotel on 31st and 5th, right in the middle of Manhattan.

Staying in a city with such a huge reputation as one of the best in the world made me excited to get straight out and explore.

Morning fag, NYC style

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