Tuesday 22 October 2013

Be Gentle

After the past year of spending a lot of money on clothes, making cocktails and wandering home to my parents house (cheesy chips in arm) at 5 in the morning, i have now flown the nest. My university lectures have started and freshers week has finished, so as i recover from vast amounts of a Vodka, Lambrini and Summer Fruits combination (classy i know ), I create this blog. I am currently starting/studying a degree in Fashion Communication and Promotion at Nottingham Trent University and as i embark on my tiresome adventure of waking up early, spending my student loan on gig tickets and clothes while still attempting to walk home at 5 in the morning, I only ask that you be gentle with my baby blog while it stays in its infancy. This platform will be for me to share my week by week seminars and lectures as part of a reflective blog task.

standard classy freshers photo (wow)

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