Wednesday 23 October 2013

Bill Cunningham, New York a film by Richard Press

Bill Cunningham, New York is a visual masterpiece depicting the life and photography work of noted and extraordinary New York Times style veteran Bill Cunningham. He himself is an inspiration to young photographers and street style enthusiasts around the world, watching the documentary i felt compelled to go out around Nottingham and take more photos. Throughout the documentary itself admittedly I didn't take as many notes as I would have wanted to (I was way too engrossed with what was happening on screen) but my note pad displays single words such as 'inspiration', 'artistic' and his famous quote 'fashion is the armour that protects us from everyday life'. The idea that anything is possible if you have passion, shone through throughout the whole film.

The way in which he views clothes and finds inspiration in the smallest detail makes him one of the best (if not the best) street photographer i have come across. I highly recommend the documentary to anyone who is interested in photography, street style, or fashion in general. It was thoroughly enjoyable and in parts emotional, as soon as I got home I downloaded it for myself. 

(An example of Bills work in the New York Times)

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